History of Seiryo Campus
In its history, establishment of the College of Medicine started in 1915, at the campus of Tohoku Imperial University. Although the Prefectural Miyagi Hospital is the antecedent of the University Hospital, it existed and had already been maintained since 1911.
The Graduate School and School of Medicine; the Graduate School and School of Dentistry; the Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer; the University Hospital and Medical Library, etc. makes up and establishes the campus as the Base and Center for Community Health-Care.

Old Main Gate of Prefectural Miyagi Hospital
This is the brick gate built at the front entrance of Prefectural Miyagi Hospital (forerunner of the current University Hospital).
As a precious landmark architecture, a state at the time of the foundation is restored.

"Yotsuya Yousui" Hasekura-hori remains
This is the only remains of an ancient structure left in Sendai-shi of "the Yotsuya Yousui" which has ever flowed through the Sendai city.
In 2021, new rain garden was constructed around the "Yotsuya Yousui". The garden will controll quantity of water to flow into the sewer during heavy rain, and bring up green as a part of "City of Trees" Sendai.
Purple : histrical interest Orange : histrical building Light Green : monument